Jeff Martin BSc(Hons) MBCS

I began my career in Computing by completing a National Certificate in the evenings, whilst employed during the day. Afterwards, I did a full time HND (Higher National Diploma) in Computing, followed by a BSc (Hons) degree in Computer Science at Exeter University, graduating in 2008. I worked as a software developer in West Sussex, after which I built a small business in the county. Following my move to Kent, I started Jeff’s Computers as a local business. I have also become a professional member of the Chartered Institute of IT (MBCS). I am currently completing the CISCO Cybersecurity Pathway, a 200 hour collection of courses and resources. I am an Affiliate member of The Chartered Institute of Information Security (CIISec).

I offer a friendly and knowledgeable service at the rate of £25 per hour. This rate applies to any advice given by telephone, Zoom or any other mode of communication.

Professional memberships and Courses

Chartered Institute for IT – number 995107509
CISCO Networking basics course
CISCO Introduction to Cybersecurity course
CISCO Networking Devices and Initial Configuration course
CISCO Introduction to Data Science course
CISCO Introduction to IOT course
CISCO Endpoint Security course

NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Data Protection and Data Security
Digital Forensics – Openlearn, Open University
Learning from Major Cybersecurity Incidents – Openlearn, Open University
Exploring Communications Technology – Openlearn, Open University
Machines, Minds and Computers – Openlearn, Open University
Introduction to Communication – Coursera

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